
The Cortec® VpCI® Technology



By its very nature, desalination is an extremely corrosion-prone industry. With saltwater coursing through pipelines in plants that are often located in harsh coastal environments, the desalination process is at risk for corrosion within and without. This could pose safety risks along with the potential of process interruption or, in extreme cases, plant shutdown. At a minimum, protecting plant infrastructure from corrosion is a good maintenance practice that promises to improve plant performance and extend service life in the long run. Preservation of critical spares is also important in the interest of having ready to use replacements in the case of equipment failure. In some cases, direct water treatment may be an option for protecting systems that handle saltwater, brine, or process water.


Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitors (VpCIs) and Migrating Corrosion Inhibitors (MCIs) offer environmentally safe methods of treatment with low toxicity and low polluting effects. Unlike corrosion inhibiting systems of the past, many Cortec® products do not contain chromates or other heavy metals, nitrites, or chlorinated hydrocarbons. Cortec® VpCIs and MCIs help you turn the tables on corrosion. With the support of our corrosion scientists, engineers, and testing facility, Cortec® can provide simple, environmentally friendly solutions to corrosion problems.


VpCIs and MCIs can be applied at multiple points to form continuous chemical bonds over metal surfaces. Liquid and vapor phases (as well as the VpCI® interphase) allow Cortec® technologies to travel through different media for more effective and uninterrupted protection. For example, VpCIs injected into a process system can immediately go to work on pre-rusted or scaled surfaces and are self-replenishing. MCIs can be added directly into new concrete mixtures or applied onto hardened concrete surfaces, migrating in to protect embedded rebar at both the anode and cathode.